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Their Royal Compromise: Paranormal Dating Agency (OtherWorld Shifters Book 2) Read online

Page 17

  “You’ve gotten what you wanted. A life with your mates.” Iona’s usual catty tone when discussing mortality was missing, and she had a purely honest expression. “You won’t be alone again, and you won’t be tempted to run to the Fade.”

  “It’s just hitting me what it means. It means I’ve cheated death twice already. It means I need to be so much more careful.” Tears slipped from Fianni’s eyes. “But it’s exactly what I wanted.”

  “Seems like you earned it.”

  Snacking on a handful of nuts from a bowl she’d found on her table, Fianni toyed with the small communication device. She hadn’t decided the best way to keep it on her person just yet, so for the time being she’d been pacing and holding it in her hand. A few times it had lit up and beeped, but she didn’t know what that meant.

  She could have left her room to ask someone, but soon enough she’d be flooded with company if Rask was telling the truth. If all the first cousins are about to descend upon me, I’d better cherish this alone time.

  “Gerri Wilder,” Fianni said to the small square.

  Nothing happened. She’d been speaking to it for a half hour now with no reply. Rask said it had to identify her as an owner, but she hadn’t asked how long that would take.

  She sat at the window, flipping the device between her fingertips. Iona had described the castle as chaotic, and she wasn’t wrong. The grounds were overrun with people moving about, and though she couldn’t make out single conversations, the overall noise of chatter slipped up to her.

  “Fianni?” Gerri’s muffled voice crackled from the device.

  “Oh.” Fianni lifted the communicator and peered at each side curiously. “Gerri? Are you there? I’m not sure how this thing works.”

  “I’m unable to pull up a display,” Gerri commented.

  “I don’t think it does that.”

  “Why on Earth not?”

  Fianni shrugged before realizing she wasn’t being watched. “It’s an older model, I’m told. To be certain it doesn’t drain me.”

  “Well that’s considerate.” Some rustling came through the tiny speaker. “I’m just relieved that you’re well. I’ve been hearing some strange news, and most of it doesn’t make sense.”

  “I can only imagine.”

  “Yes, I suppose you could. I’m actually on my way out the door but I absolutely needed to check with you,” Gerri said.

  “I’m doing wonderful,” Fianni said. “Mated and blissful.”

  “Oh, I’d heard. I wanted to be sure from you, but I knew it was a matter of time. This was an easy match then. If only it was only as smooth as sending someone across the galaxy on their own.”

  Fianni couldn’t tell if Gerri was serious. “Right…”

  “I have to run, dear, but we’ll talk more later.”

  “Of course. Whenever you’re not busy, I’ll probably be free.”

  “Take care,” Gerri said and ended the call.

  Fianni closed her hand around the communicator just as her door burst open and Reese waltzed in, followed by a half-dozen women.

  “Enough hiding,” Reese announced. “Time to mingle with the best fire-breathers from here to the Sea of Flames.”

  “And beyond,” Klara corrected, entering the room last.

  She wore her guard’s uniform, and Fianni couldn’t imagine her in anything else. Fianni already knew that Klara was a member of Rask’s line. The connection was distant, but she suspected Klara was invited because they’d already met—and Fianni wouldn’t put it past her men to have sent Klara to keep a watchful eye.

  “Well… come in,” Fianni offered.

  Reese drew her hands from behind her back and revealed two wine bottles. “Vintage sidaii, straight from the vaults of the grumpiest dragon.”

  “Arron?” Fianni guessed.

  “The one and only,” a soft voice chimed in. A slender woman almost as tall as Klara held out her hand to Fianni. Her hair was deep brown and her eyes were dark blue, a strange combination that somehow suited her. “I’m Helia.”

  “It’s nice to meet you,” Fianni said shaking her head.

  “We somewhat met already, though you were… bleeding out. I’m Arron’s cousin, but I’m also a doctor here. I’m glad to see you didn’t need my help, to be honest,” Helia said gently.

  “I’m still glad you were nearby to offer it,” Fianni replied.

  Reese handed out flutes of dark wine while Klara introduced her to the rest of the women. Mira and Vayr from Liam’s side of the clan, Kayci and Winter from Arron’s, and Ophelia from Rask’s, who happened to share his piercing black stare. It was another reminder that Rask’s line had dwindled from lack of mates, and it made Fianni want to hold the stoic dragon close.

  After exchanging pleasantries, they wound up in the large closet staring at the collection of dresses that had magically accumulated over time.

  “Liam will want you to wear gold,” Reese said wrinkling her nose. “Which is gorgeous but… well, I suppose it’s up to you whether it’s too flashy. I wouldn’t be caught dead in anything that shines.”

  “Black may be too somber, however,” Winter pointed out. “Normally it would be classic, but given the recent madness…”

  Klara pulled a silver floor-length gown loose. “This could work. Simple. The dress is just a dress, after all. The ceremony isn’t about clothing.”

  “True. Perhaps I should choose something that doesn’t tie me to a single mate,” Fianni said, stroking a purple satin skirt.

  “Something to show off your mark, I’d think,” Ophelia offered.

  Reese stood behind Fianni and gathered her hair high atop her head. “That’s a definite. I don’t think there’s ever been a mark this…”

  “Distinct?” Klara asked. “It’s not typical, certainly.”

  “Ornate?” Kayci smirked. “It’s just...”

  “Noble?” Vayr offered. “No, it’s more than that.”

  “Compensating,” Reese decided.

  “Am I imagining things?” Mira asked, leaning out of the closet and into the bedroom.

  She took Fianni’s hand and dragged her from the closest, not saying another word. The party followed and stared out the window. Across the darkening sky, three forms twisted through the clouds over the mountains. She could hear the roars even from a distance, the sound of triumph. Her dragons.

  Crowds didn’t usually intimidate Fianni. Many times throughout her life she’d attended these events as a person of importance, just another part of being an aspect of the fae world.

  Tonight marked something new, however. She wasn’t here as Fianni, beloved aspect of Harmony. She was here as Fianni the dragon’s mate. The future Queen. As much as she was able to calm her outward appearance, inside she was a jumble of nerves.

  “I kept waiting for you to make a grand entrance, then I discover you hiding here behind the columns,” Gerri noted. “I thought you’d be the center of attention.”

  “What are you doing here?” Fianni asked, turning to find Gerri holding a flute of sparkling wine and looking perfectly at home. “Not that you aren’t welcome, but—”

  “After Liam assured me you were fine, I stumbled upon gossip claiming everything from you being held a prisoner in the dungeons to being kidnapped and tortured by the bears. Then I received an invite to this. I had to see what was going on.” Gerri arched a brow at Fianni. “You don’t appear tortured, so can I assume this isn’t a match under duress?”

  “Unless you count the vigorous mating process as torture,” Fianni said glibly. Somehow, she knew it would make Gerri smile.

  The twinkle in Gerri’s blue eyes was worth the admission. “Everything you wanted, then?”

  “And much more.”

  “Fabulous. I didn’t for a second believe anything had gone wrong, but there was no harm in visiting. This is my first time on Solara.” Gerri glanced around the room. “Many similarities given that they’ve been apart from Nova Aurora so long.”

  “Will you be
staying long?” Fianni asked.

  Gerri shook her head and swirled her wine. “Too busy to make this an extended trip, but I believe I’ll be back. They’ve figured me out. Everyone wants time to discuss my services.”

  “Yes, I suppose between Prism and here you’ll be booked for years to come,” Fianni agreed.

  Gerri sipped her wine and looked Fianni over. “You should probably let this play out.”


  “Go and allow the King to introduce you. Mingle. I thought you wanted to be a part of a world again, or am I thinking of someone else? You don’t get much more involved than this. They’re dying to get to know you, and if you’re the type of queen I trust you to become, I’d imagine you’ll be rather close to your people’s concerns,” Gerri said motioning to the room.

  There was nothing but truth in Gerri’s words. Fianni had almost everything she wanted now. It was a matter of welcoming it. She gave Gerri an appreciative touch on the shoulder and stepped out of the shadows where she’d hidden.

  The great hall was a bustle and she stepped into the center of it with head held high and shoulders back. Her dress was white and strapless, intended to draw attention to the lovely mark gracing her skin. She’d been informed that unlike on Earth, white was not a standard wedding color, and would not be taken in any particular way.

  Anxiousness crept up from her toes and settled as a pink tint to her cheeks, a warmth she could feel all over. Eyes swept her up and down. It was nothing like the reverence of Prism. She’d forgotten what it was like to be on display as something new.

  Liam met her on the floor, parting the guests easily. Rask and Arron flanked him, and the sight of them all together made her breathe easier.

  Lifting her hand to kiss it, Liam whispered, “I’m glad you’ve finally stepped into the light.”

  “I just needed a moment.”

  Liam twirled her around and stood at her back. Looking out over the crowd circling them, he held up his glass. Silence fell over the room at the mere action, with faces studying them with curiosity and excitement.

  “The last month has been quite the adventure,” he said. “Full of mystery and confusion. And while I’m sure you’d wish I’d clear up the hundreds of rumors floating about, tonight is only for one portion of those whispers.”

  He placed his hand on the small of her back and stepped to one side. Rask and Arron joined them, standing near her and giving her strength to face the wondering crowd.

  “Some of you have met, or at the very least seen Fianni about the castle. She came to us as a mystery from the fae planet Prism.” He glanced to Fianni. “In what I have to admit is the most profound miracle, she is my mate.”

  “And mine,” Arron said.

  “Also mine,” Rask added.

  A stunned wave swept the faces watching them, and in the back of the room, Reese stood proud with her two mates and gave Fianni a wink.

  “So it wasn’t gossip,” a deep voice said from the back of the room.

  “True mates… perhaps we are not cursed after all,” someone commented with awe.

  “There was an informal request placed at my feet earlier this year. One stating that I was failing as a leader and causing division among all the shifters. Also claiming that somehow, myself and my brothers were lending to any number of unfortunate events,” Liam said with an air of ominous intent. “And while it does seem we’ve met the terms, let me be clear that Fianni is our intended by fate and love and spirit. Her mark is clear. There is no game played here.”

  “Only honest devotion,” Arron amended.

  Fianni saw the nods spreading through the hall. There were hints of disagreement in the air, but the majority exuded only happiness and trust.

  “May I say something,” she asked Liam softly.

  “Of course.”

  She smoothed her hands down the skirt of her dress and glanced at the many shifters who now gave her their undivided attention. “I know that my appearance on Nova Solara was one of great question. I imagine that I have a bit of work ahead of me, to help reassure you that I’m a good person.”

  She tilted her head and smiled softly. “On my own planet, I was always off to the side, in a way. I can’t lie and say it will be easy for me to adapt, and it’ll probably take me years to understand what you will want and need of me, but I will do my best. I truly look forward to learning more about all of you and working towards Solara’s future.”

  A polite applause broke out, and Fianni was relieved to feel the genuine acceptance in the air. After a few moments, everyone turned to talk amongst themselves.

  “That’s it?” she asked the men.

  “There will be an actual wedding at another date,” Arron said.

  “But now it’s just a celebration of us finding our mate.” Rask took her by the elbow and pulled her close. “I don’t like parties. But I like you in that dress.”

  She ran a hand along his jaw. “Don’t you think it’s time to reveal the secret?” she asked. “The not-so-mysterious mystery of why I came to Solara?”

  Rask cocked a brow and looked at Liam and Arron. “I contacted Gerri.”

  Arron crossed his arms. “I thought for sure it was Liam.”

  “Me?” Liam asked. “I would be lying if I said I wasn’t tempted… but the communications went down before I could. Honestly, I suspected Reese.”

  “It did feel like Reese’s level of meddling. Being a part of a powerful triad has changed her from insufferable brat to royal nuisance,” Arron remarked.

  “Hey! I like Reese,” Fianni objected, and slapped Arron’s arm.

  His expression turned sheepish. “I too was going to contact Gerri but was too late to do so.”

  Rask rested his chin on the top of Fianni’s head and pulled her close. “Good thing one of us had the balls to do what needed to be done.”

  “And who told you both about Gerri in the first place?” Arron asked, indicating himself. “I was planting the seed.”

  “I would’ve handled it if I wasn’t busy running a planet,” Liam grumbled.

  A throat cleared behind them and they spread out before a tall woman surrounded by a small gathering of shifters.

  “Chell!” Liam held out his hand, surprise clear on his face. “I’m relieved to see you alive and well.”

  She took the offered hand wearily. “Yes. It would take more to take me from this world.” She glanced to Fianni and the other two men. “I do offer my congratulations, of course, but we should speak briefly, at least.”

  “We can arrange for a private meeting tomorrow,” Liam said.

  “No,” Chell said insistently. “I appreciate the consideration, but I respect the mating celebration. It’s always been understood to allow ample time to appreciate each other.”

  “Then?” he asked.

  She glanced around and lowered her voice. “I don’t know what you’ve heard, but I thought I should give you the truth.”

  “If you think now is the right time.”

  “Now, or I may withhold the truth for my pride.”

  “How so?” Liam asked.

  “When I refused Elric’s advances, I was drugged and hidden away. Unfortunately, there were enough traitors in my family to assist him and Solomon with their lie. The marriage, the pregnancy, all done to draw your attention away from the Earth shifters that were hiding in the forest.”

  “But we’ve been alerted of them now,” Arron said.

  “Yes. But given what has occurred, I must now look to what is important for my clan. I will be closing our borders until the full extent of dissension is identified.”

  “Are you certain?” Liam asked.

  She looked back to the group with her. “Looking to the crown, looking to the broader control of power has shifted the strength of us all. We need to rebuild ourselves before we can have much to offer anyone else.”

  “You don’t need us snooping around while you punish your traitors, you mean,” Rask commented.

hough he said it with no malice, Fianni caught his meaning. Chell didn’t bother to reply, but her eyes answered plenty. Rask was right. She didn’t want the rest of the shifters to watch what probably meant the culling of dissidents.

  “It’s a private matter and not one to be taken lightly,” Chell said finally. “Do I have your support in this, my King?”

  Liam glanced to Fianni for a moment before returning his focus to Chell. “I would request one caveat. Fianni is particularly gifted in getting to the root of discontent. If you would separate out your rebels, perhaps she could meet with them. See if there is another approach to handling their arguments.”

  “I’ve heard gossip,” Chell said. “I believe we are past reason, but it is not in me to turn away the option. When you are done with your celebrations, reach out. Until then, I need to head back.”

  “Thank you for coming,” Fianni said, and offered her hand.

  Chell shook Fianni’s hand and squeezed it tight. “It’s true. I feel what you offer.”

  Fianni simply smiled. As she’d expected, her magic had weakened to the point where it barely touched the air. Now she’d have to rely on physical contact, but it was a small price to pay for a fair life with her mates.

  Chell bowed to them before turning to leave. Fianni immediately placed a hand on Liam’s chest.

  “She wouldn’t really kill her clan members for disagreeing with her?” she asked.

  “Not disagreeing. To drug and kidnap your alpha… to lie and bring it this close to war, death may be too easy.” Rask said grimly.

  “She doesn’t want to harm anyone,” Arron pointed out. “Her hands are tied.”

  “There is precedence here,” Liam agreed. “What they did put the entirety of shifters at risk. Thousands of lives for a petty feud founded on deceit. But Arron is correct—Chell is not bloodthirsty. She has no desire to thin her clan.”

  “And what if I can’t reason with them? Elric was so filled with hate there was nothing I could do,” Fianni admitted.