Their Royal Compromise: Paranormal Dating Agency (OtherWorld Shifters Book 2) Page 16
“Give it to me,” she begged.
They arched into her, caressing her soft quivering walls with their hard lengths. They pulsed and spilled, and their contented exhales brought her to yet another climax, one that shook her over completely, until she was panting on Arron’s chest with Rask growling her name on repeat.
Her skin seemed to vibrate and feel strange to her, but she couldn’t think about it. As she blinked she was moved, lifted, comforted. Each man kissed her and whispered to her, but she was incredibly tired.
“I love you,” she said to the room and was certain they all heard.
The soft clink of something being set down on a table woke Fianni. Rask peered over with a somewhat guilty expression, his hand holding a large plate above the nightstand.
He set it down and held out a glass of pink juice. “I was trying not to wake you.”
Sitting up, she took the offered drink and stifled a yawn. “Where are Arron and Liam,” she asked, disappointed to wake and find them gone.
“They’re taking care of the bears.”
“Oh!” She held the blanket to her front. “Did it work? The heat scan, I mean? Did they find the cabin and figure out what that machine was? Was the other man there with it? Who was he?”
While she rambled, he sat beside her and arched a brow, watching her patiently. When she finished, he patted her leg. “The heat scan was a brilliant idea. Our own engineering doesn’t produce heat on that large of a scale, so Arron hadn’t considered it.”
“It was something from Earth, wasn’t it?” She tapped her fingertips on the glass, thinking. “When I squeezed flowers into the water, Iona said something about oil.”
“Pollution? Wonderful,” he grumbled. “Another thing to investigate, I suppose.”
He pushed her drink forward, meaning for her to actually drink it rather than simply hold it. She took an obedient sip, then another. She hadn’t realized how thirsty she was. After she finished the glass she wiped her mouth and motioned for him to continue.
“It was a design of Earth combined with multiple Solaran modifications for efficiency and concealment. Essentially it was powered by gas deep below the surface—”
“And it was broadcasting a signal,” she finished. “But why? What did they have to gain by cutting off their own help?”
Rask nodded to the plate, which in addition to the usual fruit now also had small cuts of cheese and bread.
She took it gladly. “Well?”
“Some matters are still being looked into. The bear was found and is not a native of ours. He’s from Earth. Apparently, he came a few months ago, intended to be Chell’s mate.”
“I thought…” Fianni bit into a piece of bread and chewed thoughtfully.
“We were told Chell and Solomon had mated, and that she was with child. That appears to have been deception, we just aren’t sure why.”
“Is she okay?”
“She hasn’t yet been located.” He rubbed his chin. “It’s still a delicate situation. Their leadership has been ruffled but no one wants to talk. Only enough has slipped through to reveal that Elric was not what Chell wanted.”
“Can’t imagine why not,” Fianni said with annoyance. “He’s so charming.”
“Hmm. On that count, all I know was that he tried to control her and failed. He underestimated that Chell, being a Solara native, was stronger than he even if he towered over her human form.”
“The shifters here make Earth shifters look like docile puppies,” Fianni agreed. “So, a coup?”
“Seems like it.”
“And what about—”
Rask pressed a finger to her lips. She licked it playfully, and he growled in return. “I don’t like to interrupt you, but there is plenty of time to unpack the events with the bears. I assume we won’t know everything there for months to come.”
She sighed but nodded. “It’s been our primary focus…”
“I know. And it’s a shame that we neglected you during that time.”
“I don’t feel neglected,” she promised.
He didn’t look convinced. Taking the half-empty plate from her and putting it aside, he said, “While we were questioning the bears, it came up that they unanimously believed that we were forcing our marks on you to save our power.”
“Not as an action on you. I mean to say that to them, we were only pretending to love the same woman. They believed we were deceiving you and would mate with you to mark you so that we could show you off as Queen.”
“Oh. Right.” She frowned as she recalled Elric saying the same thing to her. “That I’m a compromise.”
“Do you believe that?” Rask asked seriously.
She took his hand and squeezed it reassuringly. “I’ve had some crazy thoughts and assumptions in the last few weeks. At some point, I did wonder, but it went against everything. If you were all trying to trick me into believing you loved me, I wouldn’t have felt unwanted when I first arrived.”
His heavy frown weighed on her, disappointment clear in his dark eyes. “You were never unwanted,” he insisted. “It wasn’t easy for us. Finding our true mate at a time when we were disconnected from each other wasn’t ideal. I think we all had our moments of denial.”
“But you’ve spoken of it now?”
“You sleep heavy,” he joked. “And you weren’t kidding—your magic hits much harder with touch. Hardest with being inside of you.”
She fought the raging blush and smiled wickedly. “I warned you all.”
“Liam explained everything about you not wanting to be a solvent to our issues. That would never happen.” He took both her hands and laced their fingers together as he spoke. “We decided that you have the right to keep us from your bed when you detect our feuding.”
“That should keep things from stewing,” she murmured. “But it also means I may spend some time alone and frustrated myself.”
He shook his head. “Unlikely.” He glanced at the door as if checking for intruders. “We’ll deny this, but we each came to the conclusion that at times we are simply too… dragon.”
She chuckled. “Oh, if Reese could be a fly on the wall.”
A thin curl of smoke escaped Rask’s nostril. “Indeed.”
“That’s a neat trick,” she commented.
“It’s a frustrating tell. But it runs in the family,” he said.
“I like it.”
He rolled his eyes. “In any case, Arron and Liam are running around and gathering the shifters that had come to wage war on us, and the beacons blocking our systems—yes, there were several of them—have been disabled.”
“You’re gathering them?” She asked carefully.
Rask nodded. “They’ll all be brought here tonight.”
“Not for punishment?”
He scoffed. “They’re invited to be our guests, along with our allies, since they’ve already journeyed this far. The next few nights will be a celebration.”
“You,” he said simply.
“Me?” She studied his face but found no signs of teasing. “An official meet and greet?”
“It’s appropriate. You’re our mate and it’s been made official to us, so now we have the honor of announcing you to the rest of your people. Not everyone knows what the gathering is for, though. To many, it will be a secret, which according to Liam makes them more likely to attend.”
She mouthed the words he so easily said. My people.
“I’m supposed to be giving you the ins and outs of being the Queen of Solara. I’m not the least bit qualified, but I wasn’t going to be dragged from your side this morning,” he said gruffly.
“What responsibilities will I have?” she asked.
“I’m so glad you asked.” He pressed her down to the pillow and crawled over her, resting his body between her legs. He kissed her forehead then her nose then settled against her mouth.
“Pleasing you can’t be the top priority,” she whispered against his lips.
“A man can dream.” He brushed his stubbled cheek against hers before nibbling and licking her neck. Even through the layers of blanket and the leather pants he wore, she could tell he was aroused and ready to go.
“Something tells me we don’t have time for this,” she said breathily.
He groaned and nodded against her. “We don’t. I’m just selfish and want to have you again. And again.” He rose up on his arms and stared down at her, his eyes completely pitch-black and lust-clouded. “You said I could tie you up.”
“Up… down… I’m open to giving it a shot.”
“Hmm. And that image just destroyed any chance of me getting work done today.”
She pushed on his chest and he rolled over and lay beside her. “What else do you need to do today?”
“Join Liam and Arron in rousing the castle. Last minute parties aren’t easy, after all,” he said.
“Everyone must hate me for making them throw it, then,” she mused.
“Everyone loves you. And if they don’t, they’ll wisely keep it to themselves. It’s a grand occasion when a dragon finds a mate. No one is complaining.” He crossed his hands behind his neck. “I would bet that somewhere there was a room of decorations just waiting on it.”
“How long do we have?” she asked, looking across the room towards the window. The sun wasn’t high. She hadn’t slept the day away, though it felt like she’d slept forever.
“Everything begins at sunset. Unfortunately, it’s not a lazy day. My tasks are annoying, but yours are mostly just busy things. Our systems are up and running so you need to contact Gerri. She got a call through the second things came up and she demanded to speak to you.”
Fianni winced. She’d promised she’d keep in touch and hadn’t even tried. “Not looking forward to that.”
“Iona had been appearing everywhere trying to get news on you—which is why I got you the thickest fruit juice on the planet. I wanted you to sleep as long as needed.”
Fianni grinned at imagining Iona trying to stalk her via water glasses. “I suppose she realizes that the threat is over, and she doesn’t have to hide. I can handle her.”
“And you get to meet with the female cousins in the castle—just the ones closest to our bloodlines—and they’ll help you dress. Maybe talk to you about our ways. Possibly tell you embarrassing stories of when we were whelps,” he groaned.
“Family?” Her unease trickled up from wherever it normally hid.
“You’ve met most of them already.” He rose from the bed and reached into his pocket. “Are you in any discomfort?”
She wiggled suggestively. “A little sore, now that you ask.”
He pursed his lips and shook his head, laughing slightly. “Not what I meant but thank you for the confirmation.”
“I feel fine.”
He handed her a small silver square. She turned it over in her hands, detecting the subtlest hint of electrical disturbance, like a faint distant buzzing. Though it felt to vibrate against her skin, it wasn’t unpleasant.
“It’s a communicator,” he explained. “We are selective in our advancements, but we have these. Not everyone owns one, usually, a handful in each pack has access. It’s easier to meet with leaders and plan, after all.”
“Is this mine?” she asked.
“If it doesn’t bother you, yes. If it’s too much on your system, Arron insisted he could work something else out. As it is, that is the bare minimum in tech. It’s an older model, so there’s less going on. But you can make and receive calls, and it has a location transmitter.”
“How does it work?”
“You’ll find a place to keep it, and after some time against your body, it’ll recognize you as the owner. Then it’s simply voice-controlled.”
She held it close to her face and squinted at the tiny carvings along the surface. The edges were smooth and there was a small loop on one end of the square frame. “I suppose I can wear it on a chain?”
“That’s the preference. And since not everyone has one, it already has the information needed to contact anyone else in possession of one. You will always be able to reach me, or Arron, or Liam.”
“And Gerri?” she asked, remembering her short task list.
“Yes. She holds a device on Earth that allows her to patch into our frequency. Or you can use any computer. There’s one in Arron’s office if you’d like.”
Fianni set the small device carefully on the end-table. “I’ll have to play with it after I take a bath. I have time for that, right? I could use some bubble therapy.”
He walked around the side of the bed and held out his hand to help her up. “There’s time for that, certainly.”
She stood and leaned against him, not because she felt weak—she felt oddly stronger than ever—but because he felt good to press against. Wrapping an arm around his waist, she sighed blissfully. “I wish we could have all slept in and snuggled.”
“Tomorrow, I promise,
” he replied, walking her across the room. “One last thing before I leave you to start your day.”
“What’s that?”
He stopped her at the entrance to the bathroom and pulled her to the side to stand in front of the full-length mirror next to the doorway. He swept her hair to one side and she caught a sneak of color along the back of her neck there.
“It’s…” Her hand traced it, and she spun around then looked back in the mirror. Her left shoulder blade now held an intricate design that stretched to touch the back of her ear on the same side. Jagged black darts, whirling silver swoops, and bursts of gold that she now understood to be what they meant by marking.
“It’s the sign of our mating,” he said and leaned down to kiss her shoulder. “It looks beautiful on you.”
After her bath, Fianni drew the tub again and filled it with clean water and flower petals she’d plucked from one of the many ‘get well’ arrangements that had appeared in her room overnight. Apparently, not all the shifters in the castle had learned of her miraculous recovery.
She stirred the water with a hand and crushed some of the petals. She couldn’t tell if these had the same oily residue as the previous ones she’d used to summon Iona, but she hoped not. After having to wade in blood, Fianni wanted to welcome Iona back with something much more pleasant.
The clear surface rippled and Iona emerged somewhat hastily, translucent eyes latching on to Fianni and lips breathing a sigh of relief.
“We put you back together, but I was worried,” Iona admitted.
Wiping her hand on her robe, Fianni nodded. “It was strange.”
“Are you going to tell me how you wound up with your essence scrambled and body torn to shreds?”
Cringing openly, Fianni replied, “Maybe another time. When everything feels less raw. I’m still trying to understand everything myself.”
“The castle has been chaotic. I heard the news,” Iona said gently. “Looks like you got your wish.”
“You don’t seem as thrilled as I expected.”
“Tell me those dragons aren’t why you were dying, and I’ll be ecstatic,” Iona admitted.
“They weren’t, of course!” Fianni frowned at Iona. “That wasn’t their fault even by the furthest stretch. It was all me. And I should have known better.”
Iona waded side to side, studying Fianni’s face. “Don’t ever scare me like that again,” she scolded.
“I promise. My days of risking my life are over. I’m ready to hide here for the rest of my life and be pampered,” Fianni teased.
After a moment, the undine broke into a wide grin. “If anyone ever deserved three sexy, wild men, it would be you.”
“I think I still drift in and out of believing it’s happened.” Fianni dipped a fingertip into the water and swirled the surface. “I know I came to Solara with this relationship in mind, but it so quickly became something else. Half the time I wasn’t sure what I was doing, and I became vested in solving issues that probably weren’t mine to solv
e—though I helped.”
Iona nodded slowly, listening and watching Fianni’s hand glide through the water.
“Then it all rather exploded, and when the smoke cleared I was with them. My dragons. It feels right. And it’s strange because even though I’ve been in love before, I’d forgotten how magical it all is.” Fianni’s lips twitched into a crooked half-smile. “Now I’m mated, and I’ve got their mark on my flesh and the only thing I can do is smile and say it’s strange. I don’t think I’ve ever felt this… giddy and excited, yet everything is just…calm.”
“A mating mark?”
Fianni pulled the robe back from her neck and swiveled to the side, showing off the tri-colored art on her skin.
“A literal mark. I expected a bite mark or claws… dragons aren’t like other shifters.”
“They aren’t. I can’t put my finger on it but they have a sort of ancient feel to them. I suspect it would follow them around even if they were plopped down onto Earth. They’re strong and wild and they hold it in control, but it’s always ready. Their love is like a blazing fire, Iona. I don’t know how else to describe it.”
Iona’s head leaned to the side and her eyes swept Fianni up and down. “That’s amazing,” she said softly.
“It is.”
“Not that. Well, yes, the love and the revelations, and you’ll definitely be telling me all about how dragons mates, but I meant this.” Iona reached out and wrapped her cold hand around Fianni’s. “You’re not the same. You’ve changed.”
Fianni stared down at their entwined hands. “What’s changed?”
Iona released Fianni. “You’re still an aspect… but less. Something else is there. I would assume the link to your men.”
Fianni held up her hands. Spreading her fingers apart she stared at them as if she could see what Iona meant, but nothing seemed to have changed, except that she felt full of life.
“I don’t understand,” Fianni said. “I still have my magic.”
“It’s there. But not all of it. When you touched the water, I could tell… we can’t travel together anymore.”
“Oh.” Fianni’s gaze shifted across as the meaning behind that revelation spread. “Coming to Solara always meant giving up my immortality. I knew that. And I always expected to lose some of my magic. But now that it’s happened, now that I’ve experienced it, it’s strange.”